Thursday, January 15, 2009

Stop digging...

Since the day i came back JB i am not happy with the road system in my Taman area because Perbadanan Bekalan Air Pulau Pinang had start digging every corner of the road in the taman.After they dig it will be so dusty and we feel like our whole house is so dirty.Why can't they finish digging in one day and finish up their work as it is so hot.I do pity them but it has been nearly a week already the road is full of hole and stone.Makes my house so dusty what if someone got health they dig what they like in front of people house not to say they pay for the medical fees or something..No point of washing and drying our clothes as it will be so dusty as they keep digging...cannot even open the door...ahyooo

Pls stop digging.......

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